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Writer's pictureSylvain lonchay

Autopilot Mode

Updated: Sep 5

Mindfulness and Autopilot Mode

Do you know that state in which we go through daily activities without being fully conscious or present? We act out of habit, following routines automatically without real awareness of what we’re doing, how we’re feeling, or what’s happening around us. This is what Jurgen Muller, PwC senior Partner described to me as being a zombi. See his TED talk

Reduced Awareness: We might miss out on experiencing the richness of life, such as the simple pleasures or important details of our surroundings, emotions, and interactions.

Stress and Anxiety: Operating on autopilot can keep us trapped in cycles of worry or stress, as we are often caught in reactive patterns rather than responding mindfully to situations.

Disconnectedness: It can create a feeling of being disconnected from ourselves, others, and the present moment. We might become disengaged from our thoughts, emotions, and even our purpose.

Missed Opportunities for Growth: Without being mindful, we might not recognize opportunities to make different choices, improve habits, or foster emotional intelligence.

understand more with this video about Positive Psychology.

Practicing mindfulness invites you break out of this mode by bringing conscious awareness to our thoughts, actions, and surroundings, which promotes intentional living and greater emotional balance and more. It's about actively choosing how to engage with life rather than letting life pass us by and it is about Responding to Situations rather than Reacting.

Ready to practice?

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Mar 22, 2021

I"m testing this section to see if it works as a journal entry section... let me know what you think coach...

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