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Writer's pictureSylvain lonchay

Next Pandemic?

Training in Attentional Practice 

📱 ATTENTION DEFICIT: The Next Professional Pandemic?

attention disorder due to technology

While BURN-OUT has dominated workplace health discussions in recent years, another health issue is looming on the horizon: attention deficit. In a world flooded with digital technologies, our minds are constantly bombarded by screens, notifications, and endless streams of information. This overuse of technology threatens to become the next major health crisis in the professional sphere.

We are at risk of losing our ability to focus, think deeply, and connect with the neurological circuits essential for cognitive well-being. Attention deficit could become a new form of exhaustion, driven by a gradual disconnection from our own minds.

To counter this trend, it is crucial to relearn how to train our minds. Attention practices, such as meditation, mindfulness, or even intentional breaks from screens, are becoming indispensable. By reconnecting with our brains and stimulating our neurological circuits through conscious pauses and offline activities, we can prevent this new professional pandemic.

The future of mental health at work depends on our ability to navigate the digital world wisely. By taking action today, we can avoid falling into this trap and maintain our focus, creativity, and well-being. 

Contact Sylvain for your private session now

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